
mary jane Butters brandon follettBrandon Follett has been involved in a wide variety of creative projects spanning poetry, photography, stand-up comedy, acting, music, and travel videos.  His body of work is “The Mental Foreplay Experience,” “Earthworm Envy,”  and “Veronica and the Mental Foreplays.”

Brandon Follett’s uniquely explorative humor earned its own title “Follettry”.  His sideways observations socially enliven Jesus, earthworms, ribbed coffins and American presidents.  His entertainment smiles at the expense of safe values 1 Corinthians 13:13 And These Three Remain Faith, Hope and Love.  But the Greatest of These is LOVE

There are no hidden secrets – if Veronica is about mental foreplay, Follettry is about Brandon Follett touching all the untouched topics, purely for self entertainment.

Follett goes on with the show without apology.  Some give raving testimonials.  Other counter with “restimonials”.  His Mom has been telling him to put it to rest since Veronica’s debut in 2000.  “Piss Poem” started as his apology to her but took a wrong turn along the way.  Ballad of Johnny is all turns.

“Oddly entertaining.”

It’s no just the lyrics, it’s not the music…it’s the Follettry.

Follett’s redefined take on “obvious” shines through his music, comedy, poetry, books and performances.  See a show, to see anew.

Articles Written about or referencing Brandon Follett:

Campervan Friendly Hostel Zero to 60…..eventually

Bridge Street Inn  Moon HandBook

Best Barista Boise Weekly

Demechanize Your Mind Arbiter

Poet, Musician Team up for Unique Entertainment Arbiter

Poetry Slam for Justice Arbiter

Foreplays and Lovelies Impart thoughtful Music Arbiter

Published Online Work by Brandon Follett:

Bicycle Camping at the Parma Moto-Vu-Drive-In, Idaho

A Salty Popsicle

I’m Still Poor Eating like a Yuppie Haggard & Halloo Publications

The Virgin has Become Extinct Arbiter

Chirp, Chirp!!! Haggard & Halloo Publications

Weapons In Parks Arbiter

Cartoons Arbiter

Boise Weekly 4th Annual Bad Cartoon Contest

Motorcycle Riding in Cambodia GoNomad

Breakfast in Laos Tales of Asia

Breakfast in Phnom Penh Tales of Asia

Articles Written about Earthworm Envy:

You can’t Hide an Elephant in an Omelet Broken Pencil

Shades of Green The Idaho Statesman

Earthworm Envy and Omelets The Idaho Statesman

Not Lost in Cambodia The Idaho Statesman

Brandon Follett and Thomas Paul

Centrally Grown open mic Brandon Follett Cambria California

Brandon Follett concert poster Adrian and the Sickness

A Queer Notion Equality for All

A Queer Notion Equality for All


Basement Poetry Series at the Sotano

Basement Poetry Series at the Sotano

Given the Circumstances at the Cambria Ale House

Given the Circumstances at the Cambria Ale House

Be Still my Beating Heart

Be Still my Beating Heart at Hyde Park Books

Brandon Follett performing March 26 at the Flying M Garage

Flying M Garage

Dear Rabbit Brandon Follett

Brandon Follett A Seasonal Disguise flier

10 responses to “Bio

  1. Hi,
    Your web log is absolutely great! Congrats!
    It seems you guys are having lots of fun there.
    Let me tell you I have my own Volunteer Organization in Peru now…so if you know someone who wants to go to Peru…here we are!!
    My very best wishes to you all!!!!

  2. Hey you guys –
    It was great riding into Chiang Mai with you this morning! Your blog is awsome and I can’t wait to read more of it. I’ll be sure to send my review of the ant larvae omelet asap. Good luck with your travels and perhaps we’ll meet again.

  3. hey yo,
    found your little site, wandering around
    here this night, late, after the green
    not to mention the other colors
    on this walla walla eve, tell me true
    don’t you really wish your rear
    were here with us, in the clear?


    • Larry — we’re stalking you online! We come to Walla2 and seek only you. Must eat and drink and dine in cars before we’re off to shooting stars!

      Clint/Nicole — Friday, August 8

  4. Hey Amy, Brandon,

    Check out this Tour de Fat video when you have some down time:

  5. Brandon and Amy! I love your blog!

    It was lots of fun traveling to Fairbanks with you both, and I bow to Amy’s scrabble prowess. Wish I could have stuck around longer in Alaska … can’t wait to see where you two end up next.

  6. hey, I stumbled across your website here totally not looking for anything related to it. I noticed you’re from Boise. I live in Caldwell and just wanted to share with you my envy. It looks as though you lead very free and adventurous lives. I sure wish I too could escape the bullshit and greed that seems to go hand in hand with everything that defines ‘american’. Anyway, good for you two. I’m sure I will live vicariously through you by once in a while looking to see what cool places youlve been and dreaming it was I who was there.

    • Emily, thanks for the comment. Remember to enjoy who you are, create meaning in your life with your own self expression, seek the same in others and when the news gets you down seek solace in frienldy goats.

      Most important travel.

      Hopefully this fall will be wandering around canyon county looking for a delicious omelet and burrito

  7. Mr. Follettry,

    I can’t believe in all my years in Boise, I’ve only just happened upon your brilliance (thank you, Julia.) It is unfortunate that it’s at such a time as I’m indisposed to properly soak it up, or get to know you, but I want to say, I look forward to it. However it may be, in the near or far future.

    Meanwhile, I invite you to check in on my nascent attempts at the dissemination of my own shenanigans. I will be getting better about them as I beat this thing. If only because you asked, and because it’s an honor:

    If I up and fly off again soon, please, keep in touch.

    It was great to color with you while you were having pizza yesterday!!


    By the way, I checked out many things on this virtual microcosm you have here, but because you directed me, read into the Portland trip blog. It is more similar to mine than I expected. You are very thorough. I appreciate d every bit. And the poetry, glad to see. I tried to incorporate, but have left out most poetic verses, always coming to my head, to keep things more literal. But maybe I’ll write them in a little booklet…

    peace! see you on thursday!

  8. Try the massive list of best new iPad games 2012.

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